Site plan

The Dental Clinics are located at Freiburgstrasse 7, 3010 Bern on the premises of the Inselspital.

The Clinic for Oral Surgery and Stomatology with the Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences is located on floor A directly at the entrance.

Arrival by public transport from Bern train station

  • Bus 12 direction "Holligen": Bus stop: Inselplatz
  • Postbus 101 direction "Hinterkappelen": Stop: Inselplatz
  • Streetcar 7 direction "Bümpliz": Stop: Kaufmännischer Verband
  • Streetcar 8 direction "Brünnen Westside Bahnhof": Stop: Kaufmännischer Verband
  • Bus 17 direction "Köniz Weiermatt": Stop: Kaufmännischer Verband

Directions by car

  • Freeway A1, exit Forsthaus
  • Parking garage: Inselparking, Murtenstrasse 10, 3008 Bern
  • Parking garage: Sitem-Insel, Freiburgstrasse 3, 3008 Bern